Report For Serious eBay Marketer's Only...
"Famous" Marketing
Manuscript Written Over 80 Years Ago Actually Cracks The Code and
Contains the Specific and Scientific Instructions
You Need to TOTALLY DOMINATE the eBay Marketplace
Today... In the 21st Century!
the Desk of: Jason Hart
Murphy, NC., USA
Thursday, 10:15 PM
RE: Scientific eBay Advertising
Dear Future eBay
If you're totally fed up with NOT
making HUGE PROFITS on eBay, and are searching for a proven, 100%
way to make your visitors actually drool, reach in, dig out their
wallets and quite literally beg you to buy your product...
Then, I urge you to pay
very close attention to this special report.
In just a moment, I'm going
to let you in on a secret set of extremely powerful secrets
that an outrageously successful eBay marketer is
using in order to make HIS listings sell
like crazy...
Would you like to experience an explosive
growth in eBay sales? Would you like to multiply your profits
two to ten-fold? Would you like to gain a decisive advantage
over your competitors and differentiate your eBay business
dramatically? Do you want to discover new niche markets on
eBay and find or develop new products or services for them?
Would you like to turn your eBay business
into a true money making machine? How about discovering
hidden profits using eBay in ways you never knew could be
profitable? Would you like to modify your eBay lsiting ads so
that they pull up to 21 times greater results?
Sound interesting?!
Well rather than pounding
your head against the wall listening to all the regurgitated,
outdated, and literally worthless "garbage" that's out there, why not
learn the REAL scientific reasons
why an insanely profitable eBay marketer is making an absolute
killing right NOW? Finally, you can!
BUT, I am only releasing
these closely held secrets to a total of 100 people. This
information is quite simply to valuable to release to the masses...SO,
when 100 copies are sold this site will be taken down. I'm
betting that you may be one of the "happy hundred"
as I have come to call the "lucky" few.
Join me as I laboriously "peel
away" each and every layer of the secret
to success on ebay, so that...
You, too, can use the very same secrets to
make an absolute FORTUNE!
NO, this isn't theory. NO,
there isn't any fluff here. NO,
this isn't a history lesson.
This is extremely classified information
that I have rarely shared with anyone... And it's NOT
for the faint of heart! If you really want to uncover how to
build a profit-pulling eBay business that sells like
crazy, then get ready, fasten your seat belt and hold on
Year Old Business Failure Discovers an Incredible New eBay Marketing
System That Makes You Money Hand Over Fist Even While You Sleep"
Hint: He did it by turning his back on every
one of the current eBay "experts" and studying what an Advertising
"Guru" from the 1920s said about eBay Marketing!
Let me Explain...
First off, please let me introduce myself...
My name is Jason Hart, husband and father of
five. I am currently the CEO of Internet Marketing Mastery., a very
successful online business, providing solutions for thousands of
businesses and Internet Marketers worldwide.
As I write this today, my wife, kids and I
are enjoying a quality of life that nothing on earth could ever replace.
But it wasn't always
this way....
I've always been an entrepreneur. I was the
kid with the lemonade stand at age 5. I've dabbled in just about
everything. I've owned a number of businesses. I've worked MLM and
direct marketing. I've always enjoyed working FOR myself, although not
working BY myself. I love building relationships.
Four years ago, with my business failing and
almost broke, I was at a crossroads. What had worked before wasn't
working anymore. I was frustrated, depressed and despondent. I knew I
had to do something, something dramatic, something outstanding, to turn
my life around, not just for me, but for my wife and children, they
were counting on me. I knew then and there that I would have to
reinvent myself. As I said, what worked before clearly wouldn't do
anymore. It was at that incredibly defining moment that I turned on my
computer and went to work.
I first got involved in eBay over four
years ago. I was working day and night trying to squeak out a living.
Then, I came across eBay. Within 6 months I
was earning a full time income and soon sold my "going down the tubes
fast" business. That was over 4 years ago and I have never, never
eBay requires little
or no investment, works in days instead of months, and connects you to
a world wide market. It is the most exciting thing that has ever
happened to the home based entrepreneur.
If you
aren't currently selling on eBay, then you
need to get involved today. There is no quicker and easier way to
secure your future and guarantee your own financial freedom.
new system (or should I say old) is so simple to use and easy to follow
that creating wealth using eBay is no longer just a is
the eventual destination for every seller.
There is nothing like it.
"If none of the eBay 'experts' taught
you, then where in the world did you learn these phenomenal
techniques?" you might ask.
These classified secrets came from a man who knew more
about eBay marketing in his day than 99.9% of today's eBay
"Gurus"...even though eBay wouldn't even be invented for
70 years.
name is Claude Hopkins and he is the original
writer of a book called
A few of
them will even tell you they read
"Scientific Advertising" over 50 times
and kept learning new things with every reading. It has taught me more
about marketing on eBay than any "eBay marketing" book, course, audio
tape, or video set out there.
copyright to
Claude Hopkin's book has now expired so it is part of public domain.
So, I used it as a model to this new course showing you the "Scientific"
methods to eBay advertising.
109 page "Scientific
eBay Advertising" manual includes every word of Claude
Hopkin's original text, but it also includes over 35 pages of unique
proprietary eBay marketing techniques...and specific steps of how to
apply everything that has ever been taught about direct marketing to
your eBay you have all of the information you will ever
need right at your fingertips to...
QUESTION: Do you really want
to finally learn, in a step-by-step fashion, how "million-dollar eBay
marketers" are REALLY doing it with their listings?
If so, then follow me...
Under The Microscope and Rip
Into Incredibly Profitable eBay Listings, and Learn Their Inside
Secrets You Can Use to Turn YOURS Into a Profit-Pushing
Powerhouse That Rams Streams
of Cash Into Your Bank Account TODAY!"
My new (I
guess I should refer to it
as old since it was invented over 75 years ago) eBay strategy will show
- How
to track your
customers and know exactly how much every single visitor is worth to
your eBay business...and how this affects your bottom line.
- Why
simplicity (and not technology) is the key to your success on eBay.
- How
to get a "hungry crowd" of starving customers to visit your listings.
- How
to create a Unique Selling Position which totally eliminates any and
all sales resistance. A "Secret" technique to Increasing Your Prices
while at the same time doubling or tripling your response rates.
- How
to increase the effectiveness of your listings by using a technique
which has been around for years, but most eBay Insiders have never even
heard of it.
- How
to increase the response rate to your listings by 27% by just adding
one specific thing to all of your listing pages.
- The
one specific "test" you can do to find out whether you selling the
"right" product for the eBay marketplace.
- 2 "Devious" Little plans I use to
choose the best headline
for my products and services within 24 hours...
- 5
Quick and Easy Steps for increasing your headline's effectiveness.
- How
understanding the 4 Powerful Human Motivators will affect your selling
- How
to make your product ten times more valuable in your customer's eyes
without spending one extra red cent.
- How
to make every one of your eBay visitors feel special...and how this
causes them to whip out their credit cards and order from you.
- How
to use the right graphics to double your sales rates.
- Which
kinds of graphics cost you money.
- A
neat "html" trick for making your pages load faster...and causes more
traffic to stay longer and buy more.
- How
to Know if Your Product is going to be a "Big Flop" on eBay before you
start advertising it.
- How
to pick a winning eBay product in 2 simple steps
- The
Jason Hart quick and easy three step method for spotting Hot Trends
3 step paint-by-numbers system for
coming up with your own Unique eBay Position
- How
to Overcome Buyer's Resistance in 90% of your eBay visitors...and how
this can cause you to sell 3000% the number of products you normally
- How
understanding one key sales word which starts with a "T" can mean
$1,000s of dollars in additional profits to your eBay business.
of this is presented in a simple to use formula for eBay profits. Once
you get hold of it, you will begin following the plan immediately.
Then, you will refer back to it again and again...
such as:
- 3
Ways to Build Credibility in front of your customers...and how much it
will cost you if you don't!
- The ONE reason people
buy...and how this affects your sales
- The greatest secret to becoming an
awesome copywriter...and how anyone who has the guts can do it.
- Giving your product the
right title can jump it's effectiveness by 300% or more...and I have
proven it.
- The 3 jobs your title must do...or you
will miss out on hundreds of sales.
- The biggest reason for eBay
marketing failure...and how to avoid it at all costs.
title of this new electronic manual is "Scientific
eBay Advertising " becuase it reveals the ONLY
Scientifically tested and proven method for making money on eBay in the
quickest and easiest manner.
In it I will show you step-by-step how to apply scientific advertising
methods to your eBay that you too can deposit buckets
money into the bank each and every day.
if you take action on this today you'll get five special
free bonuses that will make using my eBay system...or any other eBay
system...much easier than you ever imagined.
Gift #1 (Value
- Priceless) !
Results Management Sheet (ARMS)"
phenomenal tool is the most accurate way for you to track each and
every one of your eBay listings. Finally you will be able to print out
these valuable forms any time you want and have a complete and ongoing
record of all your auction listings. You will know how many hits each
listing received, which ones ended with buy-it-now, whether a reserve
auction performed better than the same auction without a reserve and
much, much more. This one tool alone is a priceless resource for your
eBay business!
Gift #2 (Value - $297.00) !
is a living publication and as new "scientifically" proven stratagies
are successfully tested and implimented you will be given immediate access
to them!
Gift #3 (Value - $49.95) !
To Guarantee Sales and Deposit Buckets of Internet Auction Profits into
the Bank Everyday"
wrote this Confidential eBay Intelligence Manuscript as a document of
my scientific research into how to determine what to sell on eBay. This
special report goes into explicit detail about a rarely used tool that
will almost guarantee that you never waste another dime on products
that won't sell on eBay!
Bonus Gift #4 (Value
- $29.95) !
Short , Concise, Complete and Authoritative
Guide to Drop Shipping"
Drop shipping merchandise is a
fantastic and wonderful way to build an eBay business but it is no
panacea. This practical, unbiased report gives you the real skinny on
drop shipping, the pros and cons. It is another valuable and priceless
document upon which to build your eBay empire!
Gift #5 (Value
- 19.95) !
Top Secret, 'Classified' Drop-Ship Rolodex of
an eBay Maverick"
white paper contains closely held information about the best sources
for wholesale and below wholesale merchandise! I ask that you
do not destribute this information and that you hold it in the
strictest confidence.
Gift #6 (Value
- $29.95) !
100 Powerful Headlines Words"
This is the actual sheet that I use to
create startling and attention grabbing headlines that cause eBay
visitors to literally stop in their tracks and read on! It
contains over 100 of the most powerful headline words ever compiled.
Only That But, it all comes with My Personal 100% Satisfaction, No
Questions Asked, Risk-Free Guarantee...
GUARANTEE: If Scientific
eBay Advertisingis not everything
that I say it is and you are not completely satisfied with it, then I
will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked. That's more than a
guarantee, that's a promise.
However, I
quite honestly can't guarantee your
success with this incredible material. I don't know your background,
your level of commitment, I don't even know what you are
selling. You might be selling a dead duck that just won't fly.
If so, this course will let you know about it fast before you waste
anymore of your valuable time and money. If you are involved in selling
anything illegal, immoral, or in the least bit shady then
there is nothing I can do for you. Not even my almost
"foolproof" eBay system can work for that.
Here is what I can
guarantee...That this system is the most
Scientific eBay Advertising system ever created. If anything
can make your product a success, this will. This Maximum Money
Scientific eBay Advertising system is quicker and easier to
use...and will outsell any other product on the market (including the
courses which sell for $197.00 or more).
only that, but I personally guarantee you will come up with
more eBay marketing ideas after reading this new book than
you've ever imagined. And when you put these new ideas in place, many
(not all) of them will begin to pump you out a new automated stream of
If you actually follow this system, you will soon be earning multiple
streams of Internet income from your eBay business.
addition, you will get my exclusive 100 times your Money Guarantee. I
am so sure you will earn money following my system that I personally
guarantee, if you follow the steps outlined in "Scientific eBay
Advertising", you will earn a minimum of 100 times your money through
this book ($2,997)...if not tens of thousands more.
If you don't,
I demand you contact me immediately to receive a full refund of your
introductory $29.95...
Yes, that's
right. It's ONLY $29.95...if you take action now.
All of the
ideas are yours to keep and you never have to pay me one red cent in
contingency fees for using them.
No matter what happens, you get to keep the book and all the
bonuses since they are electronic and never need to be returned...
Sure, I spent well over $30,000 testing and
developing this system, but since it is brand new
and I want to get a few copies in circulation right now, I am going to
start it off with an introductory price of only $29.95
but you must act fast...The price will soon
rise to $97.00.
am I willing to sell this one-of-a-kind, phenomenal product, a product
that took me literally years to create and tens of thousands
of dollers to perfect at such a ridiculously low
price? be quite honest, I WANT YOUR TESTIMONIAL as
to the power and effectiveness of this material.
This includes
the 109 page "Scientific eBay Advertising"
book, the "Auction
Results Management Sheet" Special
Report, "How
To Guarantee Sales and Deposit Buckets of Internet Auction Profits into
the Bank Everyday" business
building guide, "Over
100 Powerful Headlines Words", and
You will receive instructions to download
all four manuals immediately
upon purchase in an Easy to Read Adobe Acrobat format which can be
opened on any computer by simply taking action today...Click
here now to order.
All the Best,
Jason Hart
P.S. I dare you to buy this product...and any other eBay
marketing book out there. Put both of them to a test. If this package
doesn't beat anything you can find out any price...then I
demand you come back to me and tell me so I can refund your money
immediately. Click here now to order...
Remember, you get instant
access to the "Scientific eBay Advertising" manual and
all the bonuses immediately on purchase. PLUS, you
have a full money back guarantee with No questions asked and without
ever having to return anything.
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